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Frequently Asked Questions

"What should I bring for my dog if he/she is being boarded at Oakborn Kennels?"

  • Dog food with your dog's name written on it (in Ziplock bags or a plastic bin)

  • Specific treats that you would like us to use 

  • Chew friendly toys 

"How do I know if my dog is up to date on shots/vaccinations?"

The quickest and easiest way is to consult with your dog's veterinarian if you don't have the records. Most Vet offices will keep records on file and can update you when your dog is due. This ensures a safe stay for all of our visitors at Oakborn Kennels. 

"How will I know what to do or how to train my dog when I bring her/him home?"

Have no fear! We will make sure that you are set up for sucess when you take your furry friend back home. 


When you pick up your dog, we will go over all of the training we have covered. We will be sending you videos during your dog's time here with us so that you can look back on how we did certain drills. We will also have a private Facebook Group so that you can see other training videos as well. 


"Can I visit my dog during his boarding and training?"

Once your dog returns home you will become the "trainer" at that point. That is why we encourage you to visit during your dog's training so that we can "train the trainer." This will educate you on training measures/techniques that will continue your dog's success at home. 



"Why choose Oakborn Kennels?"

We believe that for us to be successful at training your dog, then we must be successful at reading your dog. This can be done through body language and repetition. We understand that every dog learns differently and that there is no "cookie cutter" approach to training. We specifically look at what motivates each dog, and use that for positive association. This could range from treats to verbal praise. The end goal is to have a dog that is excited and confident when asked to perform a task. 

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